Vasopressors in Trauma

Further reading

Matt has kindly provided a list of references from his Trauma Care talk which this podcast is based on:

Peri-operative and critical care management of the brain – current evidence. Anaesthesia: Vol 77, No S1.

The European guideline on management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: fourth edition

Vasopressors in Trauma: A Never Event? : Anesthesia & Analgesia

Blood pressure in trauma resuscitation: ‘pop the clot’ vs. ‘drain the brain’? – Wiles – 2017 – Anaesthesia

Blood pressure management in trauma: from feast to famine? – Wiles – 2013 – Anaesthesia

Permissive hypotension versus conventional resuscitation strategies in adult trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Risks and benefits of hypotensive resuscitation in patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock: a meta-analysis | Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine

Early vasopressor use following traumatic injury: a systematic review

Vasopressors in traumatic brain injury: Quantifying their effect on mortality

Effect of early use of noradrenaline on in-hospital mortality in haemorrhagic shock after major trauma: a propensity-score analysis

3 thoughts on “Vasopressors in Trauma

  1. Pingback: Vasopressors in Trauma — phemcast – Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine – THE PHARM dedicated to the memory of Dr John Hinds

  2. Very interesting and informative podcast. I’ve long felt that maintained a good MAP is vital in trauma and have had many a discussion with my peers regarding titration fluids. I’ve struggled to find anything to be able to back up my views on making more use of the MaP over the Bp in terms of managing these patients confidently and well. Thank you.
    Thank you as well for the extra reading material you’ve posted.


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